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Natural Migraine Remedies that actually work

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In this post, I’m going to tell you about 6 simple, natural migraine remedies that real migraine sufferers report as actually giving them true relief.

If you suffer from migraines, you know how truly awful they can be. In addition to what is often debilitating pain, people with migraines can have nausea, vomiting, and sensitivity to lights and sounds.

It makes me so sad that anyone has to go through this kind of illness.

Honestly, there are so many unpleasant things a person with migraines can experience, it would take an entire blog post to talk about all of them.

Instead, let’s focus on things you can do today that will (hopefully) lessen your pain.

I hope you find these tips as helpful as people say they are.

Natural Migraine Remedies

Please have a chat with your doctor before you try anything new. Just because something is natural doesn’t mean it’s always safe or that it will work for your particular kind of a headache.

Cream of Tartar

We spotted this on Facebook from Shea Staggs-Houck. She says she puts a little bit under her tongue…then mixes together half a teaspoon of

cream of tartar with 8 ounces of water and putting it under your tongue could bring you instant migraine relief.  She also says that within

minutes, she felt her migraine ease up.  She had even taken her migraine medication twice with no relief. She wanted to share this

information with others because it truly did work for her.

Natural Migraine Remedies

Ice Pack

The research is ongoing as to why cold compresses help migraine sufferers, but the studies that have been done show promising results.

It may sound to you like an ice pack is one of the natural migraine remedies that is too simple to work. I encourage you to think differently about that.

A study in 2006 used cold “gel caps” on the heads of people with migraines. The results showed that it helps. (source)

If you’d like to try the same therapy, I found the ICEKAP on Amazon and it has some really great reviews.


There are thousands and thousands of people suffering from awful migraines who swear by this mineral.

The American Migraine Foundation says it can be highly effective.

Don’t buy just any magnesium supplement, though. Magnesium oxide is the one you want.

It has high levels of the mineral and is the one doctors recommend.

Vitamins B6, B9, B12 and Folate (B9)

Although a few studies have been done to determine whether these vitamins really work for migraines, doctors say more should be done.

However, some people who take the supplements to lessen their migraine frequency say it works. They feel they have fewer migraines and that they are much less severe when they do have one.

(B12 is found in meat, fish poultry, and dairy.)

If you’re vegetarian or vegan, or you don’t eat a balanced diet, it’s possible you may not be getting what you need. (Unless you’re eating other fortified foods.)

In any case, it’s definitely worth having a conversation with your doctor about whether you should add these to your arsenal of weapons to battle migraines.

Document Your Diet

If you aren’t keeping a list of every food you eat and drink along with any sort of side effect afterward, you may be missing something really important.

Your body could be telling you what’s causing your migraines, but because you can’t see the pattern, you’re missing the signals.

Of all the natural migraine remedies I found in my research, this one is the easiest to do that can really, really help.

Try keeping a notebook (or use an app like Google Keep) to track everything you eat and drink. Make a note each time you have a migraine.

If you see something that looks like a certain food correlates with having a migraine, take the info to your doctor and talk about whether you might need to dig a little deeper.

Lavender Lemonade

Lavender Lemonade 

This Lavender Tea Recipe works wonders for relieving our migraines. Find the recipe from Good Living Guide HERE.


Butterbur is a perrenial plant that is in the sunflower family. The leaves are large and were used a long time ago to wrap butter.

Humans have used it for over 2000 years for all sorts of ailments.

People who use it to treat migraines say it’s one of the natural migraine remedies that truly works wonders.

Having said that, you should know that the American Academy of Neurology actually took away the endorsement they once gave Butterbur because of safety concerns.

Turns out there are some potential cancer-causing substances in a few brands – not all brands, though.

You should ONLY use Butterbur products that are certified and have a label that reads “PA-free.”

DO NOT use any sort of raw, unprocessed butterbur.

In short, before you take it you should talk to a pharmacist about which brands are safe and PA-free.

In closing, I sure hope you find something here that can give you a bit of relief. No one deserves to live in fear of getting a migraine, and no one should miss out on all the things that make life good because they have to be in a quiet, dark room.

Do you have migraines?

How do you handle them? I hope you feel comfortable enough to share your own struggles in the comments.

If you have found something that works for you, please tell us about it. No one wants to be in pain and it may be your story that helps someone find a solution.

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83 comments on “Natural Migraine Remedies that actually work”

  1. I take a 8 oz water bottle, dump 1/4 of the water out and place the bottle in the freezer. When my migraine starts I grab the bottle. I place under my neck. This allows you to put your neck in the natural curve, you may press against the ice for pressure release and get the ice to relive the inflammation and get the blood flowing again. Works every time! 

  2. Avatar photo
    Sherry Neyfeldt

    I will rub bengay on my forehead &/or temples. The smell eases the pain. Sometimes I will put it on a kleenax & use it for the smell.

  3. I used to get migraines all the time, then I read in my husbands Pharmacy magazine about Feverfew, a supplement.  I started taking it once daily and the migraines stopped.  I took it for about 2 years then decided to stop and see what happened.  I haven’t had one since and it’s been about 5 years.

  4. More clarify on cream of tarter please.
    Directions are a little confusing
    Do you put a pinch of the powder under toung and drink the water with the tarter after ?

  5. I’ve struggled with migraines for 20 years. I had so many tests done and used different meds but nothing worked. 2 years ago I got a daith piercing and it’s helped ease my migraines by at least 85%. I highly recommend getting the piercing. It hurts during the piercing process but I got instant relief. I very rarely have headaches anymore. It’s been a blessing!

  6. I get migraines whenever there’s a change in the barometric pressure. My remedy is benadryl and excedrin. My last migraine lasted 3 days. I took double the dose of migraine meds, tylenol PM so I could sleep, muscle relaxers, aspirin and nasal spray (not all at once but over the course of 3 days). None of it worked until I decided to use a different bottle of nasal spray specifically targeted towards sinus pressure, swelling and pain. Woke up the next morning and my migraine was gone. Each migraine is different which is why I tried so many things.

  7. My cousin uses feverfew and she has horrible migraines and that helps her. I have also used feverfew when I start getting the aura. Then I lay down and cover my head up and sleep and I don’t get a full blown migraine.

  8. Avatar photo
    Karen M Holden

    Orangic peppermint works well also. Rub some in your temporal or where ever you pain is. Also put some in the middle of forehead.

  9. I used to get 6 to 7 migraines a month some lasting a couple of days at a time. I started CBD oil (for my crohns disease) last May. I take just 3 drops a day under my tongue. I have had a total of 8 migraines since then. They also no longer last days at a time. My crohns disease is also much better. Only having 1 flare up since May.

  10. The one thing I can count on for migraine relief are ice packs, I put ice pack on my stomach to stop the nauseated feeling, then I put ice packs on my head where the pain is. These ice packs are not in towels or anything else, I need relief now before I start vomiting, cover up with a blanket you will need it.

  11. Sitting in the bath tub with the steam and letting the water run over my head from the faucet has always helped my headaches.

  12. Rizatriptan, it’s a miracle what this does but, it’s very expensive. I suffer from Berometric pressure headaches & have disks 2-7 out/bulging so I get the very often & for days on end! I also heard to get that little spot pierced that sticks out in your ear or just above the lobe & I will definitely be trying CBD OIL & pill once it’s legal here. I know stage 3&4 cancer patients (brain & pancrease) who are 5yrs cancer free!!! That is a miracle drug our drs do not want us to have bc it cures almost all & will take almost all from their & the pharmaceuticals pockets!! CBD, is where it’s at- 

    1. Ask your physician if you can switch to Sumatriptan. It’s in the same family and works like Rizatriptan, but much cheaper!

  13. Hi I am a migraine suffer I find that weather has a lot to do with my headache and I have noticed if I have peppermint oil on my  temples as soon as I start to get the headache it helps me a lot! Also I try not to eat a lot of aged food like sharp  cheddar and wines and stuff with preservatives it can cause headaches also. Ice definitely helps me though! 

  14. As a 20+ year sufferer of migraines I have found that putting icy hot balm (not the cream) or bio freeze directly on the part of my head where it hurts will help ease my pain along with Advil or Excedrin migraine. My family makes fun of me but it’s honestly the only way I can get relief. 

  15. Using peppermint essential oil on my temples, forehead, jaw and under my nose bring me temporary relief while I wait for meds to kick in. 

  16. I am a Migraine sufferer and I am taking Magnesium Glycinate not Oxide.  I think you might have the wrong info.  Please check that detail as my neurologist gave me the info on Magnesium Glycinate.  I double the daily recommended dose when I feel a migraine coming on.  I have also begun including Gaba as well and I have not had a debilitating migraine in weeks.  Thank you for posting these ideas.

  17. I suffered with mugraines for years and tried everything . Later in years they put out Excredine Migraine . I figured it was was worth a shot and tried it. IT WORKED. now i keep a bottle of extra strength Excredrine Migraine in my house at all times. My daughter uses it now too.

  18. To help my migraines i jump in a look cold shower bucket and all . Hubby holds me up and we wait 5 minutes and i go and lay down and sleep it off then in darkest room in the house.

  19. I take a spoonful of coconut oil every morning and attribute my lack of migraines to this natural remedy. I have not had a migraine in 16 months and only about once a year before that. I recommended this to other migraine sufferers who have also had similar results.