The Agony of Losing a Pet Is Worse Than People Know

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Losing a pet is so much more painful than most people realize. It can even end in “broken heart syndrome.” Here’s how.

The Agony of Losing a Pet Is Worse Than People Know

Do you have a pet you adore? I love seeing pictures and reading stories about the precious pets people have. If you haven’t read this story about a life-saving Pitbull, you have to! Such a sweetie.

The Agony of Losing a Pet

When a pet dies, the family who loved that fur baby is grief-stricken. Pets are family members. They are there when we wake up, and beside us when we go to sleep. They see us sick, happy, angry, sad, and they never pass judgment. Our pets see the truth of who we are and they love us in spite of ourselves.

Isn’t that what family is supposed to do? Be there in good and bad times, offering support and unconditional love? Some may say they don’t even get that kind of care from their human families.

That’s why Scientific American says we should take pet loss seriously.

The aching hearts of those who lose a pet are often lonely hearts. After her dog died, a woman suffered from a terrible condition called “broken heart syndrome.” SA explains, “It can happen when the response to grief is so severe the person exhibits symptoms that mimic a heart attack, including elevated hormone levels that can be 30 times greater than normal.”

Essentially, the author says when you’re in anguish after this kind of loss, you need to reach out and let people know how badly you’re hurting.

“We need to seek social support from people we know will understand and sympathize with our emotions and not judge us for them.”

I think as a society we can always do a better job of supporting each other.

Crossing the Rainbow Bridge

You were used to morning purring to wake you up and now it’s quiet. You and your good boy always went for a walk before heading to bed. Now the leash hangs still.

When you open the front door, no one runs to you. At night all you can think about is how long it been since you slept in a bed without a four-legged friend taking up all the space.

That’s why the rest of us should show up, be loving, supportive and continue to be so for as long as it takes. There is no timeline on grief.

“It is time we gave grieving pet owners the recognition, support and consideration they need. Yes, it is up to us to identify and address our emotional wounds when our pet dies, but the more validation we receive from those around us, the quicker and the more complete our psychological recovery will be.” – Scientific American

If you’ve lost a pet, I want you to know how sorry I am you’re in pain. Tell us about them in the comments. What made you love them so? Did they have a favorite toy or a sweet way of showing you their love?

Don’t hesitate to reach out to a therapist to help you get through.

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236 comments on “The Agony of Losing a Pet Is Worse Than People Know”

  1. Danielle Cloakey

    I lost my sweet 14 year old black and white shih tzu on Friday, April 29th. She insisted on sleeping with me the first night we had together. Her name was Buffy, and I got her when she was 3 months and 5 days old. We got so close so fast and I have so many memories coming to the surface. She got unreversably sick at the beginning of last week. She wasn’t eating or drinking and she couldn’t relieve herself. I took her twice to the vet’s for fluids before they told me it was her kidneys and she was not going to get any better. I wanted to do right by her and let her go. I know it was the right thing to do but it hurts so bad. I’m broken. Just two weeks before, she was making me laugh. I don’t get it. I want her back in my arms so much.

  2. My boy Bear was put to sleep on 23rd Dec 2021. He was 15yrs and 9 months old. He was the most gentle loving dog.

  3. Elizabeth Nelson

    I lost my 14.6 year old dachshund Abbie in January. She had fluid on her lungs. She died in my living room while I was getting ready to take her to the vet. She was my heart dog. I miss her so much. I am 3 months in and I don’t know what is acceptable to feel. Am I still in the “early days” of grief? I’m in a lot of pain and sometimes I don’t know how I will live without her. Thank you.

  4. I’m suzi, I lost my Izzy girl last week. She was my soul dog. I rescued her from a bad situation. She was a lab/pit mix that I was so hesitant to rescue. I did and she was MY GIRL! so loving, loved my grandson, she played, and laughed. We were one. She knew what I said and I knew what she said/wanted. She wouldn’t go to be until I did. My heart is broken in a million little pieces. Shes not here. I have pictures everywhere, but my heart hurts soooooo bad.

  5. Lost all my pets in a housefire 2 days ago. 6 Momma cats, 13 kittens, our housecats, our border collie, cockatoo and box turtle. I don’t think I’ll ever get past this pain

  6. We had to put down my best friend Ford last night. We got him from a rescue almost 13 years ago.  I haven’t felt this numb since I lost my mom. I’m just a year sober, and the next few days are going to test me so much. I have his favorite blanket on me right now which is covered in his white fur and his smell.  Losing a pet is a tragedy – but I keep reminding myself that as horrid as this feels, it’s worth suffering for the 13 years I had my best friend. RIP sweet Ford

    1. Don, hang on!! You are right where FORD would want you to be! You took care of yourself when you had him, right? Yes. So please continue. Love and light. God bless you. Suzi

  7. I lost my sweet girl Leighla this past Monday; she was 10 years old and it happened in the blink of an eye.  She was only sick for a month (that we know of), and we believe it was a combination of heart failure and a tumor which ultimately took her.  She was the sweetest most wonderful girl.  She was a Basset Hound, but thought herself a Herding Dog as she would herd the whole house when on a walk!  She loved treats, and car rides!  My favorite thing she would do with me, and me alone was nuzzle.  She would push her forehead into mine, and we would just rub faces and nuzzle for a few minutes.  She always end it with a swift kiss.  She really was my heart, and I truly do feel the void that has been left!  It physically hurts when I think about her.

    1. Amanda, I am crying reading your story, thank you, Leigha is still with you, in spirit form. Talk to her, she will hear you

  8. sheri Dodoson

    my baby girl was only 9. sweetest spoiled beagle . We gave her a bone as a treat but ended up killing here. How will i sleep tonight as she always waited for me to go to bed so she could have her bully stick. She stole our socks and guarded them along with loving her walks.

    1. I’m sorry for your loss. I lost my own only a few days ago. My heart, thoughts, and prayers are with you.

  9. Jennifer Boothe

    My little girl dog died and she was my best friend when my mom got sick she stayed with me and I got sad and she stayed with me and then I was in a relationship that wasn’t healthy and was left alone a lot of the times and it was just me and my little girl and I talked to her about everything and we did everything together and we ate our ice cream together and I sang to her at night when the unhealthy relationship ended I was very depressed and she stayed with me and she wouldn’t leave me and sometimes she was the only reason I would get out of bed . She used to steal stuff out of my purse or in a basket on the floor or anywhere really to trade it back for belly rubs and ear rubs and when you walked in the door she always had something she had stolen in her mouth she was always right there to greet me when I came in the door she slept with me at night it hurts so bad I don’t know what to do. My heart actually hurts and I don’t know what happened to her she was having trouble breathing but she was on medication and I came home from work the other day and she could hardly breathe it all and I called vets that were open and no one help me and she died about an hour later while I was talking to her and I knew she was going to die and it’s just seems unbearable and I can’t stop crying and I can’t stop missing her so much thank you for letting me post here

  10. My precious Kiwi-bird died just 2 days ago. Now my heart is broken. She was my source of happiness and strength. I ate with her (she would sometimes attempt to steal my food), played with her, did my homework with her, and cuddled with her. It was her birthday, February 16th. She died on February 8th. 10 cherished months with her… I remeber thinking of attending college with her, planning out a whole future with her; that’s all gone now. The average life span for her bird species is 20-30 years. I don’t know if can ever come over her death. Perhaps I won’t; she’s crossing the Rainbow Bridge now, though. May peace be bestowed upon her in heaven. I love you Kiwi.

  11. I just lost my girl – and only companion and support dog of 15 years. We were together all the time. We slept together, ate together, played together. I knew it would be hard but the grief is overwhelming. Its like my heart has been ripped out of my chest. My life isn’t the same and I’ve actually asked God to just take it it hurts so bad and I miss her so much. I have work I have to do as an executive, consultant and professor — but it is so difficult. I am trying but there is a part of me that just doesn’t want to because life without her is so empty. The void is deep.  People need to understand how terrible this loss can be. 

    1. I’m so sorry!!! I just lost my baby yesterday and i feel like my life doesn’t make sense anymore. I don’t know how people get over this.

  12. I recently lost one of my best friends.  Sage was my hiking companion.  We covered thousands of miles together.  But I lost her too soon.  She was only five years old, but she developed nasal cancer.  It has been really hard because she could run around and enjoy life when she was breathing through her mouth, but when at home while resting and sleeping where she would be using her nose to breathe she could hardly breathe.  She would gasp for air.  She constantly sounded like she was snoring.  She started to sneeze out blood everywhere.  I’m trying to make peace with our decision to euthanize hey, but I miss her so much I wish we had waited a little longer.  I didn’t want her to suffer though.  I cry everyday.  Everything I think about her my eyes water.  I didn’t even realize how much I loved her until she was gone.  She’s my first pet that I developed such a strong attachment to.  But I feel it was absolutely worth it even though it hurts so much now.

  13. 1:30 this Past Sunday November 5 2021 we rushed our Handsome  boy Stevie (Golden Retriever to the hospital but with my breaking heart I have to say they couldn’t save him
    my family and me being his dad since he was brought home 12 years ago as a pup is walking with a broken heart We have a moments of laughing and then we start to cry
    i have always comes off as this strong man to my adult daughters but right now I am beyond grief He was a Great dog a great family member and loved by all The pain is new and out handsome boy will be so missed

  14. I am 75 years old, my beloved dog died 2 days ago by accident and I am going crazy, I have not eaten any and been staying in bed crying 
    I lived alone with my dog. Since the pandemic just me and my dog. No family members near or far. My 2 year old Australia Terrier was so good and smart, he slept with me every night. We live in a tiny 120 square feet studio. 
    Now my dog is gone and part of me also gone with him. I have never had this kind of sadness and pain in my life. I wish I could died with him.

    1. I’m so sorry about your doggie. I hope you find peace soon, I’m sure they are watching over you. I lost my sweet girl Ginger in June, it still hurts but I promise it gets better. You are loved and your feelings are valid.

  15. I’ve lost many over the years but my Thunder was my heart dog.
    I lost him on Nov.3,2003.
    Not a day goes by that I don’t think of him.
    He was only 8 years old when he passed.
    He was a problem child but the love my life.
    I have other dogs many in fact as I’m a breeder.
    But,my Thundie was my sweet special boy.
    Will love him forever.

  16. We lost our girl of 7 years. she was the best dog ever and brought our family so much joy. Star had epilepsy and over the years her seizures became more frequent until december 2020 when she went into a seizure which she never came out of and we had to put her to sleep. We were heartbroken. We have had her cremated and now she take pride of place on our mantelpiece. We now have a beautiful girl called Girl who we saved from being put to sleep as she wasn’t wanted at the age of 5months old and she has helped hear our hearts.

  17. Eilene Magedoff

    Hi I just lost my dog (my world )of 12 years last Tuesday. I’m beyond devastated and my heart is in agony . She was severely abused. I nursed and loved her back to health. I too am a crime victim so we were the perfect match ! I was and am madly in love with her . Her name was Ariel .I’m in so much emotional pain . It’s hard for me to deal with .Missing her 24 hours a day . We were pasted to one another. Most people said they never saw such a mutual love . I’m just not functioning. I’m crying all day ! I can’t sleep ! I’m lost without my baby girl . 

  18. Michael Porretta

    I just lost my beloved Puppup on January 27 after 13 years My heart is broken I cry for her everyday she was my princess my baby my little girl my life is so empty without her , it’s sad to not to be able to hold her pet her play with her she slept with us every night, In the spring time we will make a very special place next to her sister TILLY who passed 3 years age my daughter and I and the family will all be there , I cannot stop crying over her loss This is the first time in my life my ❤️ has been so broken , I talk to many people about her every day , I am so lost without her comfort and love Daddy loves you forever and I will see you someday promise puppy daddy loves you s much

  19. Tiffany. She was a 15 year old, toothless tabby I had had since I was 11 years old. I just turned 27.

    She was my best friend. She has been gone for almost a month now, and the wounds feel fresher than ever.

  20. Julie S Betzel

    Buddy crossed the Rainbow Bridge in 2014. Miss my baby boy so terribly and still cry. Mommy loves you so much Bud-Bud!!