25 Uses for Dryer Sheets You Need To Know

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For a long time, I’ve found all sorts of uses for dryer sheets. I love the smell, but I also need to make money go as far as I can.

That’s why I do a lot more with (new and used) dryer sheets than simply toss them in my laundry.

25 Genius uses for Dryer Sheets that you probably never knew about

25 Uses for Dryer Sheets

1. Shine up chrome. Dampen a used dryer sheet and shine up the bathroom faucet or toaster.

2. Keep your scissors sharp by wiping the blades with a used sheet between uses.

3. Buh-bye pet hair!  Rub a dryer sheet over your sofa, bed, etc and it’ll gather up all that hair from your fur baby.

4. Clean oven racks. Soak them overnight in some Dawn dishwashing liquid with some dryer sheets thrown in. The dirt and grime will wipe off easy the next day.

5. Put them in your drawers and they’ll make your clothes smell fresh and clean for a long time.

6. Ward off gnats and mosquitoes. Put a fresh sheet in your pocket and leave a little sticking out. Those flying little monsters don’t like the smell. Same with Mice!

7. A used dryer sheet is the best dusting cloth ever. Shelves, floors, lamps, you name it.

8. Dirty pots and pans are no match for a dryer sheet. Soak your pan in water, dishwashing soap, and a dryer sheet for about an hour.

That burned on goo that was stuck before will come right off.

9. One of the great uses for dryer sheets is the smelly shoes solution. Cut a fresh sheet in half and put one half in each shoe.

10. Clean paint brushes. Soak the in warm water with a dryer sheet for a couple hours.

11. Banish soap scum on shower doors. One of the uses for dryer sheets most people don’t know is how to use them to clean shower doors. Just wet a fresh sheet and scrub. They’re amazing.

12. Flyaway hair can be tamed by rubbing a used dryer sheet on your hair.

13. Discourage dust from accumulating on your TV by wiping it down with a used sheet.

14. Instantly make your car smell better by placing a fresh dryer sheet under a seat.

15. Got deodorant streaks on your shirt? Rub it off with a dryer sheet!

16. Get rid of toilet bowl rings by scrubbing with used dryer sheets.

17. Pop a dryer sheet inside your folded sheets to make sure they have that “just washed” fresh smell when you make a bed.

18. Keep a dryer sheet in your stored luggage. It won’t smell musty when you need to use it.

19. Hide dryer sheets around your house to make everything smell fresh and clean.

You can put them under sofa cushions, in baskets, anywhere you can find a hiding place.

20. Wipe your blinds down with dryer sheets once a month. It’ll help repel dust accumulation.

21. Dust and clean baseboards by rubbing them with a used dryer sheet.

22. Used dryer sheets packed in empty toilet paper rolls make great fire starters.

23. Clean hairbrushes by soaking them in warm water with a dryer sheet. Fresh and clean!

24. Send one with your kiddo to place in their school locker. It’ll smell so much better!

25. Make your own Swiffer pads. All you need is a few dryer sheets and you’re good to go.

The BEST uses for Dryer Sheets

Do you have more uses for dryer sheets?

Please tell me what they are? I want to know and I’m sure readers want to know, too!

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250 comments on “25 Uses for Dryer Sheets You Need To Know”

  1. Roaches do not like them either. I put them under my fridge and under the sinks. I like the other ideas. Thanks.

  2. Eileen Cargould

    Line the dryer filter with a used dryer sheet. When you clean the filter all you do is lift the dryer sheet full of lint and toss it in the trash. No lint on fingers or on anything.

  3. I use the used dryer sheets to remove the lint from the dryer. Instead of removing them off with my bare hands, it’s easier and collects most of the lint.

  4. My microwave is above my stove, which means it gets greasy gunk on it and it’s near a window so it attracts dirt as well. Dryer sheets is the only thing I have found that can completely clean the outside of my microwave.

    1. I Sell Norwex and all you have to do is spray your mirrors or microwave glass and it takes and shines it and micro organism off everything. Just wet the Norwex cloth and it cleans and takes stains off walls or counters.

  5. Gramzie Wytch

    I haven’t read thru all the comments, but does anybody know if dryer sheets repel spiders? Thanks

    1. Vinager and water in a spray bottle, just spray them and watch them run away. Any vinager should work. I only had ape cider vinegar, it worked very well for me. Hope this helps.

    2. Horse chestnuts. Drill a couple of holes to make them even more effective. They give off something that repels spiders.

  6. Dryer sheets are also great for removing bugs from the front of your automobile , bugs just rinse off!

    1. I used fresh dryer sheets to clean gum out of my dryer that got stuck all over inside. I was so shocked.

  7. I had extensive damage ($5000) to my car from squirrels chewing the plastic that covers wires in and around the cars engine. The repair person told me to tuck drier sheets around the engine to prevent them from coming back.

  8. Andrea counsellor

    Used dryer sheet is good for polishing up leather shoes or coats, and or anything leather.

  9. Another great use for dryer sheets is to get rid of bugs (especially Florida love bugs) that get splattered on the car. Just wet the dryer sheet and rub over the bugs and “bam” they’re gone from the cars body and windshield

  10. I use dryer sheets in empty water bottles, lid on, cut holes in bottom, use a string around neck of bottle, tie in small trees and bushes to keep deer from eating them. Change ever few weeks. It has worked for me for years, deer hates the smell.