25 Uses for Dryer Sheets You Need To Know

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For a long time, I’ve found all sorts of uses for dryer sheets. I love the smell, but I also need to make money go as far as I can.

That’s why I do a lot more with (new and used) dryer sheets than simply toss them in my laundry.

25 Genius uses for Dryer Sheets that you probably never knew about

25 Uses for Dryer Sheets

1. Shine up chrome. Dampen a used dryer sheet and shine up the bathroom faucet or toaster.

2. Keep your scissors sharp by wiping the blades with a used sheet between uses.

3. Buh-bye pet hair!  Rub a dryer sheet over your sofa, bed, etc and it’ll gather up all that hair from your fur baby.

4. Clean oven racks. Soak them overnight in some Dawn dishwashing liquid with some dryer sheets thrown in. The dirt and grime will wipe off easy the next day.

5. Put them in your drawers and they’ll make your clothes smell fresh and clean for a long time.

6. Ward off gnats and mosquitoes. Put a fresh sheet in your pocket and leave a little sticking out. Those flying little monsters don’t like the smell. Same with Mice!

7. A used dryer sheet is the best dusting cloth ever. Shelves, floors, lamps, you name it.

8. Dirty pots and pans are no match for a dryer sheet. Soak your pan in water, dishwashing soap, and a dryer sheet for about an hour.

That burned on goo that was stuck before will come right off.

9. One of the great uses for dryer sheets is the smelly shoes solution. Cut a fresh sheet in half and put one half in each shoe.

10. Clean paint brushes. Soak the in warm water with a dryer sheet for a couple hours.

11. Banish soap scum on shower doors. One of the uses for dryer sheets most people don’t know is how to use them to clean shower doors. Just wet a fresh sheet and scrub. They’re amazing.

12. Flyaway hair can be tamed by rubbing a used dryer sheet on your hair.

13. Discourage dust from accumulating on your TV by wiping it down with a used sheet.

14. Instantly make your car smell better by placing a fresh dryer sheet under a seat.

15. Got deodorant streaks on your shirt? Rub it off with a dryer sheet!

16. Get rid of toilet bowl rings by scrubbing with used dryer sheets.

17. Pop a dryer sheet inside your folded sheets to make sure they have that “just washed” fresh smell when you make a bed.

18. Keep a dryer sheet in your stored luggage. It won’t smell musty when you need to use it.

19. Hide dryer sheets around your house to make everything smell fresh and clean.

You can put them under sofa cushions, in baskets, anywhere you can find a hiding place.

20. Wipe your blinds down with dryer sheets once a month. It’ll help repel dust accumulation.

21. Dust and clean baseboards by rubbing them with a used dryer sheet.

22. Used dryer sheets packed in empty toilet paper rolls make great fire starters.

23. Clean hairbrushes by soaking them in warm water with a dryer sheet. Fresh and clean!

24. Send one with your kiddo to place in their school locker. It’ll smell so much better!

25. Make your own Swiffer pads. All you need is a few dryer sheets and you’re good to go.

The BEST uses for Dryer Sheets

Do you have more uses for dryer sheets?

Please tell me what they are? I want to know and I’m sure readers want to know, too!

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250 comments on “25 Uses for Dryer Sheets You Need To Know”

  1. Put some dryer sheets inside your snowblower over the summer months to keep the mice from finding a home and save the money from repair.

  2. Used sheet with some essential oils then on hanger in closet, in the rod of circulation fan ,in vehicles ,vents in consoles or with vapor rub in a person’s room how,s not feeling well in vent as have to drive doctors or small jar as your parked before you go then after done driving with vapor, rub and essential oil lavender, oil lemon vapor rub

  3. I love using drier sheets by poking my dogs brush and comb through one and brushing her ,it collects the fur for easy throw away and leaves her smelling great !

    1. I’m not sure that’s healthy for your fur baby, they naturally lick themselves, so they could get sick from licking that. Go to “poof.com” it is a spray that will remove the smell. It breaks down the chemical make up of the smell, works even on skunk. So safe, you could spray in your own mouth. Hope this helps.

  4. Loved the uses for dryer sheets…I also use them to shape crocheted slippers and to use as a stuffing for crocheted or sewn toys..works great and smells good

  5. Christmas wreath. Using a styro ring I poke dryer sheets into it, spray with glitter spray and attach Christmas balls in different places. Used ones I use for packing material, works great.

  6. Catherine Hrichak

    I put dryer sheets all over my RV camping trailer, in drawers closets on the bed scattered everywhere. They keep mice from coming in.

  7. Used dryer sheets are great for cleaning the lint off of the lint filter when your clothes are finished drying!

  8. Lay a new dryer sheet on top of your stove and spray with a little water let soak and then I use a small plastic scrubbing brush with the wet dryer sheet and gently rub , it will remove all the sticky grease right off and your stove will look new and shiny again, it is really amazing how easy this works I will admit after dealing with depression for almost a year things didn’t get cleaned as as well as should have been so my stove was REALLY BAD this cleaned it up so well I’m still amazed.

    1. Jennifer Shapiro

      I feel ya Karen! My ongoing depression has caused me to let alot of things go! I try to chip away at the list (even if it’s just one thing a day!) I’m trying not to beat myself up and to be content with what I can accomplish. I hope you feel better and please take care of yourself!

  9. Thank you for all this information. I usually use sheets one way or another, but you gave me a few more good ideas. People always say we are never to old to learn. Thank You.

    1. Another one I do, rub them on skirts and dresses, etc to get rid of wrinkles while wearing.

  10. Wow, I never knew the rest of the functionality I could be getting from my dryer sheets. Thanks for sharing! This momma loves having a cleaner and healthier home.

  11. Judy KEQUAHTOOWAY Kequahtooway

    I use used dryer sheets for cleaning my glasses. They work perfectly and don’t scratch the lens.

  12. I take them on trips with me and put them under the mattress at a hotel in case of bugs they will run away

  13. I put 2 dryer sheets in where my furnance filter is to make the house smell good especially when I turn on the heat..