7 Reasons Sisters Are the Best Ever

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If you’re fortunate enough to have a sister, you know that the bond between you is so strong, almost nothing can break it. Let’s look at all the amazing ways that having a sister you’re close to will change your life for the better.

Just an idea, but before we go any further, why not do something nice for your favorite sibling? Maybe make her a sweet treat like an Orange Creamsicle Pie or a batch of sweet Citrus Blossom Cookies. She’ll love that you thought of her!

Studies Say Having Sisters Makes You A Better Person

7 Reasons Sisters Are the Best

1. They help each other dial back the crazy. They are a sounding board and a trusted advisor for one another. Having someone to support and encourage you on the regular is as good as a big dose of medicine sometimes.

A study at Brigham Young University in Utah found that “sisters seemed to help siblings avoid negative emotions. Those adolescents with sisters were less likely than those without sisters to indicate feeling lonely, unloved, guilty, self-conscious and fearful. It didn’t matter whether the sister was younger or older, or how far apart the siblings were age-wise.”

2. Sisters help reduce the likelihood of divorce. Okay, so we all know having a sister doesn’t take divorce out of the picture for us. If only. But, it’s interesting to learn that for every sibling a person has, their chance of divorce drops by 2%.

Apparently, all that quality work sisters do (known as fighting) makes us better at working out our differences with a spouse.

3. Sisters help each other be better communicators. Makes sense seeing as how sisters tell each other absolutely everything. Those late night sisterly talks about all the things that are important in life prepare women to be more open with their life partners later on.

4. They are second moms. When they each have kids, the other steps in and becomes a default bonus mom for her sister’s children. She is there when they are sick, or for their celebrations, and she’s right there for all mundane things like learning to ride a bike or tie shoes. Speaking of aunts, read all the reasons we think being an aunt is so wonderful.

5. Sisters are low-key gangsters. Anyone who messes with one sister will feel the wrath of the other. Being in that line of fire is not a place anyone should ever want to be.

6. Sisters fight. Sisters make up. The content of the fight will be forgotten by the time they are eating cheesecake and laughing. Who else can say that?

7. Sisters show up. Whether it’s 3 AM or in the middle of the workday, sisters will always answer the phone. They never have to face sadness or fear alone when they have each other.

What’s the one thing that makes your sister so awesome?

Brag about her in the comments and then for sure share with her so she can read all the good things you have to say “behind her back.”

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193 comments on “7 Reasons Sisters Are the Best Ever”

  1. Peggy Henderson

    My sister Robin is the most generous kind hearted hard working person I know. She is great at crafts and cooking. I can’t imagine living without her

  2. All of these things are true of my sissy. I cannot survive without her. If I ever feel lonely or sad or want to isolate, she is the one person who can lift me up and dig me out. My heart is sad for anyone who doesn’t have a sister. She is my lifeline and is “Jesus with skin on” to me.

  3. I’m busy mourning the death of my beloved pet. I called my sister to tell her the news and she cried with me. My life would not be the same without my sister. I love you Cheri so so much!!!

  4. I am very fortunate to have two sisters that have traits of our parents. Sadly we lost both parents last year within a month apart. They have helped comfort me and I hope I have done the same. 
    Even as a youngster both sisters acted like a mom to me, they included me, fed me and fought for me. I love them both dearly and if they hurt I hurt. Love you Missy and Julie. 

  5. I LOVE ALL 3. Momma always lined us up for pictures in order….Cheri, Rena, Judy, and Lori…and our dear Mama. We have survived together through storms of doubts, divorce, joys…. we traveled through trials, moves, jobs, and marriages, some winners, some losses. We chose Christianity. We chose positivity… We have lost our dear mama… but the 4 of us sisters have stayed within driving distance… close enough for holidays, births, and family reunions. Our children k ow each other…our houses often full of laughter and many, .any friends who visited often. Our house was Grand Central Station. Our parties on a dime were legendary. We are still close tho we are retired now. Mama is gone. But the sisters…. we stand, we will love each other forever.

  6. Edith Ballard

    OMG! I have 6 crazy ! I have a sister for every crazybitch you have ever met!  All of my sisters have an amazing strength or 2 or more as well as weakness and with that said we are super women! Just saying! I love them all!!

  7. My sister is AWESOME… ( PAMMY) .. .she is always there to help me and talk with me… and I am talking hours and hours of marathon talking….. she is non judgemental and so down to earth- when she speaks you have to listen … her life experience and love is so amazing and real. I love my sister !!!!! BEST SISTER AWARD 🙂 yay me !!!! lol 561-523-6271 Lizz Zilinsky

  8. I am the happy sibling of 4 AWESONE sisters…ok, well, 3 actually…. We live far apart but have for the last 16 years gotten together for visits at each others hones or other places of interests. Every year we have a blast..get on each others nerves..swear NEVER TO DO THIS AGAIN…then plan for the next one. My life is ONLY complete because of them.

  9. Judith Pittenger

    My sister and I are eight years apart and in two different states. We are both widows now and have ” reconnected,” and it is great. We talk daily and do sister road trips…next trip in just nine days! So thankful for her.❤

  10. Louisa Maartens

    I have a twin sister. I agree. All the reasons above is what makes my sister great. If all else fails, I don’t go to google, I talk to my sis x

  11. Stephanie Timberlake

    My sister is my best friend, confidant, partner in all crimes (good and bad) and my entire world. I would be lost and much less of a person without her. I love her very much!

  12. Such a well written and accurate article! My sister Amanda is brilliant, one in a million! She encompasses all of what you mentioned (to me) but to a greater level than most. I can only hope my daughter is blessed with a baby sister, can’t imagine my life without one!

  13. My younger sister, Mary, followed me everywhere, so, I would sing to her, Mary had a little lamb whose fleece was white as snow and everywhere Mary went , the Lamb was sure to go. Mary was the sweetest and kindest person I have ever known. She was gracious and giving to everyone. She supported me in all of my endeavors and even more than my husband or our parents. She was the Pillar that I clung to when everything around me would fall apart. My sister was killed by a MSSA Staph infection from Barnes Jewish Hospital ER on June 21. 2019. The tears won’t stop flowing even though she is now with the Mary of our Lord. Sisters are blood and come before all others.

  14. My sister and I are 5 years apart. I was more of a second mom, and I think that’s s why we are not close. Two very different people. One ultra responsible, one very much the opposite. Makes me sad, and I don’t know how to fix it.

  15. It’s awesome to see not all sisters are nasty. Your comments somewhat restore my faith in family. Guess its not suppose to be my reality tho. I thought my sister was my best friend ever, had my back and was always there for me. Lol turns out she’s a backstabber. Helped ruin my marriage by taking to my ex behind my back. Stabbed me in back when our mother passed away and in the end stole thousands of dollars from me.
    Lmao … ohhhh yeah … they’re just bloody lovely!!!

  16. My sister is 11 years older than me. She has always been like a second mom to me. She is there no matter the day, time, or situation. She is like a second mom to my 3 boys now. We fight and make up in the same sentence. She is always there to give me advice when I need it whether or not I want to hear it or not. I’m not sure what u would do without her!

  17. Judith Marilyn Andrich

    My sister is loving, encouraging and so very supportive. She loves the Lord and is soooo much fun.